
Online services all over Germany available

Online services all over Germany available

Pregnant in Germany?

From belly to postnatal care – I’ll be by your side

Baby Planner


Pregnant in Germany?

From belly to postnatal care – I’ll be by your side

Baby Planner

New to Germany, international and pregnant?

Congratulations, you’re pregnant! Every pregnancy comes along with incredible joy but also with many many questions…

Are you looking forward to the family adventure, but have no experience and many unanswered questions?
Do you feel insecure and are you afraid of certain topics?
Are you new in town or without an extended family to support you during your pregnancy?

I know that and I am there for you!
My Baby Planner provides excellent service and great expertise leaving you feeling fully prepared, while reducing stress and allowing every member of the family to embrace the magic and joy of pregnancy.

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It’s my first child and I feel unsure about many topics?
How do I find information about giving birth in Germany?
How do I find a midwife?
What support does my health insurance cover?
What financial support do I get from the German government?
What does my newborn need?
How do I fill out all the forms and handle bureacratic obstacles?

I am here to help you

I’ll guide you carefully through the German systems!

  • Independent advice and research, e.g. on baby mattresses or maternity clinics
  • Support in finding a midwife
  • Planning and organizing all trimesters of pregnancy
  • Birth preparation: birth plan, hospital bag and puerperium
  • Advice on baby gear: from car seats to changing tables
  • Forms & Co: Advice on maternity protection, parental leave, parental allowance, child benefit and health insurance.
  • With checklists and appointment reminders, you won’t miss any important deadlines!

Who am I and how can I help you?

My name is Christine, I am the mother of 3 children and a certified baby planner. I can assist you with personal advice and support with all your questions and uncertainties. I will help you stay organized through your entire pregnancy, as you prepare to give birth and in the initial period when you bring your bundle of joy home – so that you as a family are optimally prepared for your baby without getting unduly stressed.

Filling out forms, creating appointment reminders or checklists for the entire period up to the birth and after.  I will have an open ear for your worries and fears. Allow me as an expert to help you organizing your baby gear and home while you focus on a happy, healthy pregnancy!

What exactly is a baby planner?

As a baby planner, I assist new and growing families, organized through pregnancy, childbirth and the first time with a baby.

With each of my pregnancies, each birth and in my countless exchanges with many mothers, I have learned something new and realized: The time at the baby screening examinations is limited, the midwives are short of time or even completely booked – but the questions and uncertainties remain.

A baby planner does not do medical exminations. But I can help you to prepare and understand the doctor’s appointments and checks that are standard in Germany.

You are not alone in making important decisions. I will always have an open ear for you. With my professional background, my insights as a mother of three and my experiences from living abroad, I can understand you!

Find out about our services

I am pregnant – what comes next?
Baby Planner

Consulting services

Individual advice and support from belly to postnatal care.
Elterngeld Workshop Baby Planner

Workshops / German only

Organisation in der Schwangerschaft // Finanzen und Bürokratie

My Baby Planner Business

Your solution for employee loyalty and reducing work load for the HR department

What my customers say…

Baby Planner Schwanger

Christine was able to advise me professionally and caringly during my pregnancy, both through the experience with her own three children and through the additional knowledge she had acquired. In addition to helpful tips on baby gear and forms, the discussions about the birth and the creation of a birth plan were particularly helpful for me. Christine was able to take away my fear of the birth of my daughter, so that I even looked forward to the delivery with positive tension.

Thinking about giving birth to my daughter kept me very busy. You could take all my worries and fear from me completely! Thanks!

Tina with Lara

9 months to fall in love for a lifetime

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About me and my work

Find our more about Christine and her work as baby planner

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